Waltham, November 16, 2015 – AQUEDUCT TECHNOLOGIES INC. has been named one of the Top Places to Work in Massachusetts in the eighth annual employee-based survey project from The Boston Globe.
Top Places to Work recognizes the most admired workplaces in the state voted on by the people who know them the best—the employees. The survey measures employee opinions about their company’s direction, execution, connection, management, work, pay and benefits, and engagement.
“I am honored to accept this award on behalf of Aqueduct. Our employees are what makes us special. We strive to create a work hard play hard environment where employees can be both personally and professionally successful.” – Chris Jennings, Co-President & Chief Strategy Officer.
“The success of a company is not only measured by its revenue and profits, but also by the loyalty and satisfaction of its employees,” said Katie Johnston, Boston Globe workplace reporter and Top Places to Work editor. “The winning companies have developed innovative ways to engage and motivate their workers, which often serves as a key factor in innovation and leads to better professional performance.”
The rankings in the Top Places to Work are based on confidential survey information collected by WorkplaceDynamics, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention, from nearly 77,000 individuals at 357 Massachusetts organizations. The winners share a few key traits, including offering progressive benefits, giving their employees a voice, and encouraging them to have some fun while they’re at it.
About Aqueduct Technologies Inc.
Aqueduct Technologies Inc. is a leading technology solutions provider. We work with clients to understand their business requirements and deliver solutions based upon the cloud (Public, Private, & Hybrid). We carefully select the best of breed solutions from traditional leading manufacturers and cloud providers in order to provide the most comprehensive solutions that work seamlessly together. Learn more at: aqueducttech.com
About Boston Globe Media Partners LLC
Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC provides news and information, entertainment, opinion, and analysis through its multimedia properties. BGMP includes The Boston Globe, BostonGlobe.com, Boston.com, Cruxnow.com, BetaBoston.com and Globe Direct.
Career opportunities continue to grow by the day. Join one of the Top Places to Work.
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